/BCO-DMO/Antarctic_Inverts/Cannon_2014_TS2 --taxon eq Harrimaniidae-- Level 1

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#   Hemichordata and Echinodermata sample log and accessions
#   PI: K. Halanych (Auburn U)
#   version: 2016-12-22
#   NOTE: These data were published in Table S2 of Cannon, et a 28(2014) Current Biology 24,oi.org/10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.10.016
#      When two numbers are reported, this represents 2 separate sequencing runs from a given taxon.
#      Links to GenBank accessions are to the first one only.
species                         taxa_new_to_study  source                                          num_reads              num_unigenes  HaMStR_OGs  NCBI_accession                         link_NCBI_accession  
Saccoglossus kowalevskii        no                 NCBI Trace Archive (Sanger)                     202190                 37266         842         downloaded 2009                        nd                   
Saccoglossus mereschkowskii     yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          50630972               145937        979         SAMN03012542                           SAMN03012542  
Harrimaniidae sp. Iceland       yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          66151572               230054        983         SAMN03012550                           SAMN03012550  
Harrimaniidae sp. Norway        yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          69266416               274434        964         SAMN03012543                           SAMN03012543  
Stereobalanus canadensis        yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          19290646 & 50206164    18843         170         SAMN03012552                           SAMN03012552  
Stereobalanus canadensis        yes                HudsonAlpha (Illumina)                          19290646 & 50206164    18843         170         SAMN03012551                           SAMN03012551